Wilson's School

Business & Economics

In the Business and Economics Department, we want our students to develop an enthusiasm and understanding of the economy and its impact. We foster a spirit of enquiry and a critical approach to thinking about current issues. We encourage enterprise and risk taking. 

We have a wide range of resources available to achieve this aim. Students are able to enter essay writing contests and participate in extended projects. These include an analysis of the stock market, investigations into businesses and economies and a marketing project. We also have an extensive extension library and lectures delivered by visiting specialists to broaden student engagement and challenge. 


Head of Department: Mr Fletcher
Dr Berges
Mr Hann
Mrs Ironside
Miss James
Mr Lawton
Mr Vazquez (2 i/c)

Key Stage 4 (Years 9-11) Examination Board 


Years 9-11: Outline Programme of Study  

The GCSE in Business (OCR) is an exciting option that uses real life case studies and activities in conjunction with business theories to solve problems. The subject involves looking at a range of problems a business has to solve and the decisions it has to make.  These decisions relate to a number of key topics: 

1. Business activity 
Studied in Year 9 this topic includes: 
The role of business enterprise and entrepreneurship 
Business planning 
Business ownership 
Business aims and objectives 
Stakeholders in business 
Business growth 

2. Marketing 
Studied in Year 9 this topic includes: 
The role of marketing 
Market segmentation 
Market research 
The marketing mix 

3. People 
Studied in Year 10 this topic includes: 
The role of human resources 
Organisational structures and different ways of working 
Communication in business 
Recruitment and selection 
Motivation and retention 
Training and development 
Employment law 

4. Operations 
Studied in Year 10 this topic includes: 
Business location 
Working with suppliers 
Production processes 
Quality of goods and services 
The sales process and customer service 
Consumer law 

5. Finance 
Studied in Year 11 this topic includes: 
The role of the finance function 
Sources of finance 
Revenue, costs, profit and loss 
Cash and cash flow 
6. Influences on business 
Studied in Year 11 this topic includes
Ethical and environmental considerations 
The economic climate 

7. The interdependent nature of business 
This topic is studied in Year 11 and involves the ability to bring together the synoptic link with all the topics covered.

Sixth Form Examination Board

Pearson EdExcel (Economics)

A level: Outline Programme of Study 

Year 12 develops a greater understanding of issues such as why the price of goods change, what impact does economic activity have on the environment and how can the government manage the economy to achieve key economic objectives such as reducing unemployment. 
During the year the following is covered: 
Theme 1: Introduction to markets and market failure 
This theme focuses on microeconomic concepts. It will develop an understanding of: 
nature of economics 
how markets work 
market failure 
government intervention 
Theme 2: The UK economy – performance and policies 
This theme focuses on macroeconomic concepts. It will develop an understanding of: 
aggregate demand 
aggregate supply 
measures of economic performance 
government policy 
macroeconomic objectives 
One teacher is responsible for teaching Theme 1 (microeconomics) and another Theme 2 (macroeconomics). 
Year 13 develops a wider understanding of economics in a global context addressing issues such as world poverty and the role of trade. Additionally, the impact of monopolies and different market structures on businesses and consumers will be assessed as well as considering the role of the government in managing the modern economy. 
During the year the following is covered: 
Theme 3: Business behaviour and the labour market 
This theme develops the microeconomic concepts introduced in Theme 1 and focuses on business economics. It will develop an understanding of: 
revenues, costs and profits 
market structures 
business objectives 
business growth 
government intervention 
labour market 
Theme 4: A global perspective 
This theme develops the macroeconomic concepts introduced in Theme 2 and applies these concepts in a global context. It will develop an understanding of: 
international economics 
economic development 
the financial sector 
One teacher is responsible for teaching Theme 3 (microeconomics) and another Theme 4 (macroeconomics). 

Departmental Co-Curricular, Trips and Enrichment Opportunities  

The subject currently offers a number of exciting enrichment activities, which run alongside other work related learning competitions offered by the school. In Year 9 and the beginning of Year 10, pupils are involved in a mini share project. We also enrich the GCSE course during the end of Year 10 and beginning of Year 11 with an understanding of some GCSE Level Economics. At A Level, enrichment opportunities include lectures and participating in national competitions. Students often take the opportunity to form their own Economics societies and contribute to our internal economics publication, Wilsonomics.  

Examples of marked work

See below for examples of marked work which demonstrate the level of work and ‘green pen’ engagement required to maximise progress in each Key Stage.  Whilst we expect students to engage with this positively and if necessary, seek clarification from teachers, please be assured that in-lesson support is always available.

·         KS4

·         KS5

Business & Economics