Wilson's School

Latest News


Congratulations to the Class of 2024

We have been delighted to welcome Year 13 and Year 12 students into school to collect AS and A level results this week, and to see so many students achieve the grades that enable them to progress to the next stage of their education.

University Preparation Programme - Medicine

Nearly 40 prospective medics in Year 12 enjoyed a week of activities at the end of last term as part of our University Preparation Programme coordinated by Dr Hubbard.

German trip

We have been delighted to hear more about the adventures during Activities Week at the very end of last term.

Jerome Fernando

National Award for Top Cadet

We are delighted that Jerome Fernando, OW 2024 and outgoing School Captain, has been named the UK's top RAF cadet and awarded the The Sir John Thompson Memorial Sword.

Activities Week 2024

Although memories may now be fading of those summers of lost opportunity in 2020 and 2021, they are recent enough that we relish the massive range of activities available again to pupils in the aestival months at Wilson's and take nothing for granted.

The Jungle Book

Audiences at Wilson's productions have come to expect very high standards and these have yet again been accomplished in the most recent Lower School production: The Jungle Book. 

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