Wilson's School

Latest News

Visit from Professor Ben Etheridge

Visit from Professor Ben Etheridge

On the Tuesday 18/6 the Economics department was proud to host an on-line talk with Professor Ben Etheridge (Senior Lecturer at Essex University and Research Associate at the Institute for Fiscal Studies) to our soon to be Year 13 students.

Cricket report
Year 7 hit Brecon!

Year 7 hit Brecon!

Last week all of Year 7 enjoyed the annual Wales Residential, staying at Dunfield House, Llangorse Multi Activity Centre and Baskerville Hall. Those at Dunfield and Baskerville all followed the programme described below by Anir, while those at Llangorse had a different outdoor activities day including horse riding, rock climbing and caving.

Borough Sports Athletics

Borough Sports Athletics

On Tuesday 21st May, athletes from across the borough descended on The David Weir Leisure Centre to take part in the annual Borough Sports Athletics Championships. The competition, usually held after the May half term, was earlier this year, meaning students had to really focus their training and preparation post-Easter, in order to be ready for the event. Two competitions at Woking (English Schools) and John Fisher had acted as practice and trials for the main event at Sutton.

Eastbourne Trip

Eastbourne Trip

On the last school day of the previous half term, the entirety of Year 10 had the opportunity to visit Eastbourne, a town in East Sussex by the coast. For the students who chose Geography as one of their GCSE options, the trip was a chance for us to carry out some key fieldwork surrounding coastal processes. Those who chose otherwise went on a long walk enjoying the beautiful scenery.

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