Wilson's School

Maths Circle

We are delighted to confirm three speakers for our annual Wilson's School Maths Circle lecture series.

The first talk will take place on 10 March, with Professor Kevin Buzzard (Department of Mathematics, Imperial College) breaking down the question 'Can AI prove theorems?'.

On 17 March, Dr Richard Lissaman (Senior Teaching Fellow, Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick) will then speak about 'Adventures in Iterations: The Google Page Rank Algorithm and Machine Learning'.

The final lecture in this year's series on 24 March will see Ramon Nartallo-Kaluarachchi (Old Wilsonian, now of the Mathematical Insitute, University of Oxford) deliver a talk on 'Time’s Arrow: Life out of equilibrium', exploring how can we model the randomness and complexity found in living systems.

All talks will be hosted in the JJ Hall from 4pm - 5pm, and are open to all mathematicians at Wilson's!