Wilson's School

Online Senior Physics Challenge

One hundred and fourteen Year 12 students and sixteen Year 11 students recently sat the Year 12 British Physics Olympiad Online (BPhO) Senior Physics Challenge and achieved an excellent set of results, with every student gaining a Bronze or better. BPhO also noted that this was a harder test than last year’s.

Nationally, 7,187 students participated from 327 schools. The average score was 42% and the standard deviation 14%. Across the country, 16.4% of students achieved a Gold, 39.7% Silver, 40.8% Bronze, and 3.2% Commendation.

At Wilson's, we were delighted to see 37% of our pupils achieve Gold, 48% Silver, and 15% Bronze.

Of the Year 11s who sat the paper, 25% achieved Gold, 62.5% Silver, 12.5% Bronze. 16 sat the paper, with an average score of 49% that ranks higher than the national average - a remarkable achievement for these students.

Well done to all who took part, and a special congratulations to our top three highest scoring pupils — Sam (Y12) who scored 82.5%, and Adhrit (Y12) and Rishik (Y12) who both scored 77.5%.