Pupil Premium
The school receives funds to support the education of disadvantaged pupils through the Pupil Premium Grant. The school tracks and monitors the progress and attainment of these pupils particularly carefully and is committed to doing all that it can to ensure that outcomes for disadvantaged pupils are as strong as for other groups of children in the school.
It is a requirement that all schools publish a strategy statement for their use of the pupil premium. This must include a summary of the main challenges to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at the school, how pupil premium funding will be spent to address those challenges, the reasons for that approach and methods of evaluation. It must also include, details of how the pupil premium allocation is being spent and an evaluation of the impact of the expenditure.
Our current 2021–24 Pupil Premium Statement can be downloaded here.
Financially disadvantaged students in the Sixth Form can access the 16-19 Bursary Fund to support aspects of their programme, e.g. money towards the purchase of a suit and other items required for the school dress code in the Sixth Form, travel to open days and curriculum visits.
Click here for the 16-19 Bursary Scheme Guidelines, and here for the Application Form.