Wilson's School


Science is part of the Key Stage 3 Curriculum for Years 7 and 8. The pupils are taught in their tutor groups in both years and usually have one science teacher for each year. There are three lessons per week and topics studied cover all three sciences.

Science at Key Stage 3 is focused on providing a firm understanding of the core concepts of biology, chemistry and physics. Inquiry skills and the scientific process form an important part of the course to help the pupils appreciate that science is more than just a body of knowledge.

Our Staff

Mrs Banks
Mr Benn
Mr Brown
Mr Carew-Robinson (Head of Physics)
Dr Cook (Head of Biology)
Miss Henry
Mr Ironside
Miss Jones
Dr Karamath
Mr McLaughlin
Ms Mohanathas
Miss Park
Mr Redmond
Miss Rose (Head of Chemistry)
Mr Schofield (Head of KS3 Science)
Mrs Sylvester
Dr Welby

Key Stage 3

Below is a list of topics that year 7 and 8 will study.

Year 7 Topics

  1. Introduction to Science: an introduction to safety and experimentation in Science
  2. Particle model: explaining changes of state and other observations through the particle model<
  3. Forces (Y7): simple forces including speed and gravity
  4. Cells: basics of biology including cells and organisms
  5. Separating mixtures: key separating techniques in Science
  6. Energy: the fundamentals of explaining how energy transfers allows things to happen
  7. Food chains: interconnected relationships in ecosystems
  8. Circuits: making simple circuits, explaining current and voltage
  9. Acids and alkalis: explaining the reactions of acids and alkalis
  10. Plant reproduction: how seeds are formed and spread and germination
  11. Human reproduction: explaining the stages of human reproduction
  12. Reactions of metals: including reactivity series and displacement reactions

Year 8 Topics

  • Flash, Bang, Wallop: light and sound; magnetism and electromagnetism
  • Elementary Science: word equations, tests for gases, decomposition, acids and alkalis
  • Food for Thought: nutrition, digestion, photosynthesis
  • Moving Science: pressure, moments, forces, space, heating and cooling
  • Reactive Science: reactions of metals, carbonates, reactivity series, displacement reactions
  • Healthy science: respiration, exercise, respiratory and circulatory systems, substance abuse
  • Microbes and Genetics: microbes, diseases, immunity, inheritance, evolution and selective breeding

KS3 Core Concepts

1 Knowledge and recall

Ability to recall knowledge of scientific terms and key principles with understanding

EXCEEDING: Pupils can recall more advanced key terms and use them correctly and with confidence. The recall of facts and principles is very strong and a sound understanding of these is shown.

SECURE: Pupils recall the key principles, scientific terms and definitions well and with a generally good understanding of these.

DEVELOPING: Pupils’ recall of information is inconsistent and some key terms are absent or not always used with understanding.

2 Application and explanation

Application and explanation of scientific principles learnt and communication of ideas

EXCEEDING: Pupils can successfully apply the theory to a range of contexts, including unfamiliar and more abstract examples. Explanations are thorough in detail, making reference to all key points and are sequenced logically. Pupils can make connections between scientific principles across the course.

SECURE: Pupils can successfully apply the theory to different contexts the majority of the time. They express their ideas clearly and scientifically, showing good understanding.

DEVELOPING: Pupils require support in order to apply or explain the theory. They are able to describe observations, trends and patterns, but may be unable to explain the scientific theory behind these.

3 Scientific investigations

Planning and carrying out scientific investigations

EXCEEDING: Pupils can form testable questions to investigate and form sensible hypotheses based on scientific reasoning (note: the predictions don’t have to be correct). Plans highlight what results would be expected if the hypothesis is correct. They recognise that different approaches are required to investigate different types of scientific questions. They are able to identify all significant variables that affect the dependent variable and select the ones that need to be kept constant, stating how they will be controlled and/or monitored. Values for variables are carefully chosen to ensure the best quality of results. Pupils are able to design experimental controls, where appropriate, and use them effectively; they are able to fully explain their purpose. Practical work is carried out methodically and with skill. Attention is paid to how variables can be recorded accurately, both in the planning and execution stages.

Proposals of scientific explanations can be made for unexpected observations. Complex relationships between variables can be identified, including quantitative relationships where appropriate. They can critically interpret, evaluate and synthesis evidence, even if it is conflicting. They suggest and justify improvements to experimental procedures using detailed scientific knowledge.

SECURE: Pupils can form testable questions and suggest a hypothesis based on scientific understanding. They are able to identify the most significant variables that need to be controlled and detail how they will be kept constant. There is an understanding of a control variable as more than just something that remains the same. The role of a control is understood and can be applied to investigations. Practical work is carried out safely and effectively. There is consideration of how to improve the quality of the results through the choice of variable values and techniques used.

Pupils can present data clearly using appropriate graphing and tabulating techniques. They confidently select and analyse data to draw conclusions that are consistent with the data and based on their scientific understanding. They suggest reasons, based on scientific understanding, for any limitations or inconsistencies in evidence collected. They make valid comments on the quality of their data and how experimental procedures could be improved.

DEVELOPING: Pupils can come up with a testable question and make a prediction, but there may be limited or no scientific reasoning explained. One or more control variables can be identified, but significant ones may have been overlooked. How the control variables will be kept constant or monitored is missing or underdeveloped.

Practical work is carried out safely but poor experimental technique introduces errors that are not present with more skilled practitioners. Some attempt is made to make the experiment accurate, but further improvements could be made.
Pupils are able to tabulate results and present them in graphical formats, but there is often at least one mistake in the presentation of data. They can draw conclusions from data that show understanding of the underlying theory even though this isn’t fully explained in their answer. They provide straight forward explanations for differences in repeat observations and can suggest improvements to a procedure that are valid, but a little superficial or missing the most important factors.

For Key Stages 4 – 5, see the BiologyChemistry and Physics pages


Year 7 and 8 visit the Science Museums and/or the Natural History Museum to enrich the science curriculum.

House problem solving competitions will be run next year for Year 7 and 8. The winners of the Year 8 competition represent the school in the regional SATRO problem solving challenge.

Further Links
BBC Bitesize KS3 Science
Doc Brown
