Wilson's School


Our well established Art and Design department is a vibrant part of Wilson’s School. All pupils study Art and Design for two years at Key Stage 3, and can then opt for both Art and Design GCSE (a three year programme of study) and A Level. At GCSE the pupils follow the Eduqas specification in Art and Design. At A Level pupils follow either the Eduqas Fine Art or Art and Design specification.

Art lessons at Wilson's are creative, practical and engaging. At GCSE and A-level, trips are integral to the study of Art and Design and designed to complement the students’ practical work and independent learning. These include visits to permanent and current exhibitions and galleries, cultural centres and architectural sites.

Independent learning is strongly encouraged at Key Stage 3, as are visits to art galleries, exhibitions, cultural destinations and architectural sites. These are a great way of giving the students a greater visual awareness. In addition pupils’ work is regularly used in department and school displays and is exhibited at the annual Sutton Schools exhibition.

Our Staff

Miss Waterhouse (Head of Department)
Mr Coop (Deputy Head)
Ms Russell


We cover the following areas in Years 7 and 8:

Students follow a two-year Key Stage 3 curriculum in Art and Design, based on the National Curriculum programme of study. Key Stage 3 Art and Design therefore engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Students are introduced to Art as a process. As pupils progress they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. Pupils develop their skills in line with the KS3 Wilson’s Core Concepts for Art (below). These are assessed in line with the school’s reporting policy. For example, students could be required to:

  • Produce artifacts and products, exploring their ideas through the appreciation of representational and non-representational art.
  • Develop their skills using a variety of media and techniques, including taught and experimental uses of materials, to create outcomes.
  • Drawing is at the heart of all Art and Design activities and is taught regularly as a discipline for visual communication.
  • Understand the meanings of new technical terminology and use it to evaluate their own work and analyse the work of others.
  • Develop an understanding of Art and Design throughout history in context to the development of their own work.
  • Understand the iterative process of experimentation, evaluation and refinement of materials and techniques.

Independent learning is strongly encouraged at Key Stage 3, and visits to art galleries, exhibitions, cultural destinations and architectural sites is a great way of giving the students a greater visual awareness. In addition pupils’ work is regularly used in department and school displays and is exhibited at the annual Sutton Schools exhibition.

KS3 Core Concepts

1 Sources

Critically investigate and develop ideas from sources

EXCEEDING: Development of a diverse range of independent and problem-solving ideas through sequential thinking and imaginative leaps. An exceptional critical understanding of the context of own ideas and the sources that have informed them.

SECURE: Development of a range of ideas through sequential thinking. A good critical understanding of the context of own ideas and the sources that have informed them.

DEVELOPING: Ideas consolidated too early with some appreciation of sequential development. A limited critical understanding of the context of own ideas and the sources that have informed them.

2 Materials

Refine techniques through experimentation with materials

EXCEEDING: Recognises the full potential and limitations of processes with an insightful review, refinement and evaluation of materials. Demonstrates refined technical ability.

SECURE: Demonstrates an understanding of the potential and limitations of processes with some review, refinement and evaluation of materials.. Demonstrates a good technical ability.

DEVELOPING: Materials used in an obvious and limited way. Development restricted as a result of experimentation and evaluation being abandoned too early.

3 Outcomes

Realise outcomes and observations using the formal elements

EXCEEDING: Outcomes demonstrate sophistication from conception/observation to realisation. Work is intuitive, original and shows a full command of the formal elements and concepts.

SECURE: Outcomes are well constructed and work has developed a personal identity. Outcomes and observations show a good command of the formal elements and concepts.

DEVELOPING: Outcomes show an emerging sense of own style, but tend to be methodical. Outcomes and observations show a limited command of the formal elements and concepts.

Key Stage 4

The Art & Design department follows the broad- based specification of Art, Craft and Design from the Eduqas Art and Design GCSE.

The course consists of two internally assessed and externally moderated components:

  • Component 1: Personal Portfolio (internally set)
  • Component 2: Externally Set Assignment

Component 1: Personal Portfolio
60% of the qualification

Component 2: Externally Set Assignment
40% of the qualification

Key Stage 5

The Art & Design department follows the Eduqas A Level Fine Art or Art and Design specifications.

In Year 12 the pupils develop their skills across the assessment objectives as part of Component 1.

In Year 13 the pupils build upon their independent creative journeys as part of Component 1.

Component 1: Personal Study
Overview of content
This component allows pupils opportunities to generate and develop ideas, research primary and contextual sources, record practical and written observations, experiment with media and processes, and refine ideas towards producing personal resolved outcome(s).

The written personal study, which is an assessed element of Component 1, is an integrated piece of writing which must comprise a minimum of 1000 words of continuous prose.

60% of the total qualification is internally set, assessed by the teacher and externally moderated.

Component 2: Externally set assignment
Overview of content
This component allows pupils opportunities to generate and develop ideas, research primary and contextual sources, record practical and written observations, experiment with media and processes, and refine ideas towards producing personal resolved outcome(s) in response to an externally set theme.

40% of the total qualification

Examples of marked work 
See below for examples of marked work which demonstrate the level of work and ‘green pen’ engagement required to maximise progress in each Key Stage.  Whilst we expect students to engage with this positively and if necessary, seek clarification from teachers, please be assured that in-lesson support is always available.  

Art Department Art Department Art Department Art Department